THRESHOLD will be closed on Monday, February 17th. We will reopen for business on Tuesday, February 18th. 

Tandem-Expiring Visitor Badges: affordable, secure, easy to activate

New Tandem-Expiring Visitor Badges change color overnight to prevent reuse, plus offers BIG advantages over its expiring badge predecessors. It is simple, affordable, and secure.

Less costly

Tandem-Expiring Visitor Badges cost $189 per pack of 1,000. That is 17% to 35% less than other styles of expiring visitor badges.

More secure

The product’s default state after being printed looks like the badge is expired. The badge is not valid to wear until it is authenticated by placing the white dot on the red circle on front of the visitor badge. This process ensures that the badge is activated correctly every time a visitor puts it on. Gone are the days of someone being given an expiring visitor badge without having it be activated and the color changing process begun so it shows a bright pink “void” after 4 to 6 hours.

Easier to activate

The pass comes with everything you need to start the color-changing process. The badge, front piece dot, and directions are all right there for your convenience. The built-in activation provides better visual security for your facility and ease of use for your visitors.

Here’s how it works:

Tandem-Expiring Visitor Badge
(1) Each badge comes out of the printer showing it is VOID, with a white sticker attached to the label liner.

Activating a Tandem-Expiring Visitor Badge
(2) The badge isn’t valid to wear until the attached white sticker is placed over the red VOID circle. This also activates the color-changing process that gradually turns a VALID badge today into a VOID badge tomorrow.

Tandem-Expiring Visitor Badge in-use
(3) Now the badge is VALID and ready for the visit.

Tandem-Expiring Visitor Badge - VOID
(4) By the next day, the badge is completely VOID and can’t be reused.

Tandem-Expiring Visitor Badges work with most direct thermal printers…

Zebra Direct Thermal Printer

Zebra desktop printers

Seiko Direct Thermal Printer

Seiko SLP Series

DYMO Direct Thermal Printer

DYMO (400 series only)

…and many visitor management systems including…

  • Easy Lobby
  • eVisitor
  • Fast-Pass
  • PassagePoint
  • Reptrax (by IntelliCentrics)
  • Savance Workplace
  • Splan
  • Traction Guest

Badges that are VALID today and VOID tomorrow give thousands of users Security You Can See! Expiring visitor badges improve facility security in many ways:

  • Provide a visual alert (and peace of mind)
  • Discourage reuse and prevent unauthorized entry
  • Improve security by requiring daily sign-in
  • Remove need to collect badges at end of visit
  • See more here 

Request your free sample roll of new Tandem-Expiring Visitor Badges.

Fits most direct thermal printers and many visitor management systems.

Picture of Paul Kazlauskas

Paul Kazlauskas

Paul joined THRESHOLD in 2001 after graduating from Bryant University. After a few years in the Sales Department, Paul transitioned to the Marketing Team in 2005. Over the years, Paul has worked on developing & launching new products, been the designer of customer communication emails, and launched numerous web sites for the Threshold product line. A native of Connecticut, Paul enjoys outdoor activities like kayaking, golfing & hiking, as well as spending time with his son.
Picture of Paul Kazlauskas

Paul Kazlauskas

Paul joined THRESHOLD in 2001 after graduating from Bryant University. After a few years in the Sales Department, Paul transitioned to the Marketing Team in 2005. Over the years, Paul has worked on developing & launching new products, been the designer of customer communication emails, and launched numerous web sites for the Threshold product line. A native of Connecticut, Paul enjoys outdoor activities like kayaking, golfing & hiking, as well as spending time with his son.

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The Red Flag feature has been improved! Now you can set your system to not print a badge for any visitor record that has been previously marked with a Red Flag. The attendant will be prompted to redirect the visitor according to your security protocol.

Special New Feature: Red Flag, No Badge

Flag alertsIt’s easy and free to activate this feature. Simply call us and ask for “Red Flag, No Badge” to be turned on. Once it’s on, the above pop-up will come up when a red flagged visitor comes back. No badge will print and the attendant will need to follow the facility’s policy for handling red flagged visitors.

The flags and notes only show to the desk attendant, not the visitor. 

Please contact eVisitor Support with any questions on how to use Flags in your system. 

If you have seen a special offer in our advertising, mailings, or emails, this is the area to enter the Promo Code to receive that offer. After you’ve entered the Promo Code, click “Update cart” for the code to take effect. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-243-1969.