THRESHOLD will be closed on Monday, February 17th. We will reopen for business on Tuesday, February 18th. 

How to print better-looking photo visitor badges

How to print better-looking photo visitor badges

Have you ever seen a visitor photo I.D. badge that actually looks like the person wearing it?

For example, look at this one.

visitor badge that is printed poorly 

Could you recognize this person if you saw him? More important, why check someone’s I.D. if it doesn’t accurately represent who is wearing it?

By comparison, the photo on this badge is crisp and clear.

visitor badge that is printed clearly 

Do your badges look this good? If not, here are three tips on how to make your visitor photo I.D. badges look better than they do now.

1. Start with good lighting and the proper distance from the camera.
Do … position your visitors, in daytime, with a window to their side or in front of them.
Do … diffuse direct sunlight with sheer curtains.
Do … have your visitors stand in the same place every time. Give them a reference point, such as an “X” on the floor to stand on.
Don’t … photograph your visitors with a window behind them. This creates a silhouette.
Don’t … place your visitors directly under a ceiling light. This creates unwanted shadows.
Don’t … take a photo of visitors standing too far away.

2. Optimize the photo for printing.
Some visitor software programs let you choose between printing black and white, such as for barcodes, and printing gray scale, such as for photographs. Choose the latter if you want your photo I.D.s to look their best.

3. Use a good printer.
Try to use a device that prints at 300 dpi or better. “DPI” means “dots per inch.” The more dots, the more detail in your photo. Badges printed from color inkjet printers look better than black-and-white badges printed from direct thermal printers. But direct thermal printers, which don’t require ink refills, are much cheaper to buy and to operate. Whatever printer you use, experiment with the settings until you’re happy with the output.

Follow these three tips, and your badge pictures will not only look like your visitors, your badges will be more secure as a result!

A final note: THRESHOLD’s eVisitor software has two proprietary photo features that other visitor management systems lack. (1) It automatically retouches visitor photos to look better when printed, and (2) its “Auto-Crop” feature automatically centers each visitor’s photo within the frame on the badge.

Contact THRESHOLD for a free demonstration of our eVisitor software or watch this 3-minute video for a complete overview.

Picture of Andrew Jones

Andrew Jones

Andy began his career writing for newspapers, and then switched to writing advertising copy: mainly direct-mail brochures, packages, and catalogs, some print ads, and more recently internet marketing. Throughout, he has been involved in the planning, targeting, design, and production of these pieces as well. He has been with THRESHOLD since 1996. Andy’s roots are in North Jersey and New England, so he has affection for sports teams from both areas. He enjoys visiting bookstores and historical places, and spending time with his wife and three grown children (along with their spouses, a grandson, and a granddog), usually with a camera in hand.
Picture of Andrew Jones

Andrew Jones

Andy began his career writing for newspapers, and then switched to writing advertising copy: mainly direct-mail brochures, packages, and catalogs, some print ads, and more recently internet marketing. Throughout, he has been involved in the planning, targeting, design, and production of these pieces as well. He has been with THRESHOLD since 1996. Andy’s roots are in North Jersey and New England, so he has affection for sports teams from both areas. He enjoys visiting bookstores and historical places, and spending time with his wife and three grown children (along with their spouses, a grandson, and a granddog), usually with a camera in hand.

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The Red Flag feature has been improved! Now you can set your system to not print a badge for any visitor record that has been previously marked with a Red Flag. The attendant will be prompted to redirect the visitor according to your security protocol.

Special New Feature: Red Flag, No Badge

Flag alertsIt’s easy and free to activate this feature. Simply call us and ask for “Red Flag, No Badge” to be turned on. Once it’s on, the above pop-up will come up when a red flagged visitor comes back. No badge will print and the attendant will need to follow the facility’s policy for handling red flagged visitors.

The flags and notes only show to the desk attendant, not the visitor. 

Please contact eVisitor Support with any questions on how to use Flags in your system. 

If you have seen a special offer in our advertising, mailings, or emails, this is the area to enter the Promo Code to receive that offer. After you’ve entered the Promo Code, click “Update cart” for the code to take effect. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-243-1969.