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6 Questions School Administrators Should Ask Before Purchasing a Visitor Management System

6 Questions School Administrators Should Ask Before Purchasing a Visitor Management System

School administrators should do their homework before purchasing a visitor management system to help ensure the safety of their students and staff. Ken Trump, President and CEO of the National School Safety & Security Services, says, ” Visitor identification should be mandatory in all schools. Visitors should be issued a clearly visible identification tag to be worn at all times that they are on school premises.”

The most effective and fool-proof way to badge visitors is to implement a visitor management system (VMS). The electronic software tool helps make your school a safer place in many ways:

Visitor management stations act as a visual deterrent to unwanted guests.

Having an area near the entrance dedicated to processing visitors doesn’t just give your school and its security protocol a professional look; it also serves as the first line of defense against guests looking to cause trouble. Visitors with bad intentions are far more likely to pause at the thought of entering a school with a staff member scanning a driver’s license into a VMS than they are to be deterred by a simple notebook and pen. By projecting a more secure appearance, a visitor management station can help discourage unwanted guests from attempting to enter a school building.

Visitor management systems also have detailed reporting capabilities, making it possible to know when any visitor arrived and departed.

A critical feature of a visitor management system is the ability to determine who is at your school at any given time. Having these records helps to create an electronic paper trail, enabling school administrators to view who is or was on-site, what time they arrived, where they are going, and more.

Many visitor management systems can connect to online watch lists, which prevent access to people who may pose a potential threat.

One of the most important parts of keeping a school secure is preventing incidents from happening. Proactive security measures help ensure that a school is taking steps to prevent security issues, not just reacting when an incident occurs. Linking to databases such as the National Sex Offender Public Database will help intercept potential trouble at the door before a dangerous person can access the building.

Purchasing a visitor management system is just the start. In addition to implementing the tool and providing necessary training for operators and your entire staff, here are some visitor management policy tips to provide additional security:

  • Funnel visitors to one entrance. A clearly marked single entrance, with access control restrictions on other doors, will help security protocol.
  • Decide on a visitor authorization protocol. Determine who has the authority to approve visitors to the school. 
  • Document every visitor. Every. Single. Time. Even if you know the person. 
  • Require every visitor to wear a badge while on school grounds. It is not enough to simply document the visitor’s entrance to the building. Staff shouldn’t have to wonder who a stranger is and why they are roaming the halls. If the visitor is wearing a badge, your staff will know they’re authorized to be in the building.
  • Identify which areas of the building are open to visitors. A comprehensive visitor policy should take into account which areas of the school building are open to visitors and which are not. This can vary by the type of guest.
  • Choose how to identify visitors. Clearly identifying the type of visitor will allow anyone encountering that person to know if they are allowed to be in any given area. Parents, vendors, contractors, substitute teachers, student teachers, and volunteers, are all categories of badge titles to consider.
  • Consider pre-registering. Pre-enrolling frequent visitors, such as  parents and vendors, into the visitor management system ahead of time will cut down on registration times. When that person comes back to the school again, their information will be found in the database and will not have to be reentered or have their driver’s license rescanned.

Now that you understand how a visitor management system will help school security and what security protocols to consider after implementing the system, the task now becomes selecting a software solution to implement. There are many facets to consider and here are six questions that school administrators should ask any vendor before purchasing a visitor management system.

Six questions that school administrators should ask

  1. What is the cost to initially purchase – and what is the three year cost of ownership?
  2. Can I select specific features or do I have to buy the whole package
  3. Will the visitor management system’s required equipment work with my district’s systems?
  4. How do VMS background checks work and what information does it tell?
  5. How much support is needed to keep the system working?
  6. How is the data in the visitor management system stored and protected?

To assess each vendor’s answers please give the staff of THRESHOLD a call. Our VMS experts can help you compare your research against your school’s needs and budget. We’ve got more than 60 years of experience assisting schools like yours to install and enhance their security systems.

Control who crosses your THRESHOLD.

Your staff, students and their parents will thank you.

Picture of Paul Kazlauskas

Paul Kazlauskas

Paul joined THRESHOLD in 2001 after graduating from Bryant University. After a few years in the Sales Department, Paul transitioned to the Marketing Team in 2005. Over the years, Paul has worked on developing & launching new products, been the designer of customer communication emails, and launched numerous web sites for the Threshold product line. A native of Connecticut, Paul enjoys outdoor activities like kayaking, golfing & hiking, as well as spending time with his son.
Picture of Paul Kazlauskas

Paul Kazlauskas

Paul joined THRESHOLD in 2001 after graduating from Bryant University. After a few years in the Sales Department, Paul transitioned to the Marketing Team in 2005. Over the years, Paul has worked on developing & launching new products, been the designer of customer communication emails, and launched numerous web sites for the Threshold product line. A native of Connecticut, Paul enjoys outdoor activities like kayaking, golfing & hiking, as well as spending time with his son.

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The Red Flag feature has been improved! Now you can set your system to not print a badge for any visitor record that has been previously marked with a Red Flag. The attendant will be prompted to redirect the visitor according to your security protocol.

Special New Feature: Red Flag, No Badge

Flag alertsIt’s easy and free to activate this feature. Simply call us and ask for “Red Flag, No Badge” to be turned on. Once it’s on, the above pop-up will come up when a red flagged visitor comes back. No badge will print and the attendant will need to follow the facility’s policy for handling red flagged visitors.

The flags and notes only show to the desk attendant, not the visitor. 

Please contact eVisitor Support with any questions on how to use Flags in your system. 

If you have seen a special offer in our advertising, mailings, or emails, this is the area to enter the Promo Code to receive that offer. After you’ve entered the Promo Code, click “Update cart” for the code to take effect. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-243-1969.