THRESHOLD will be closed on Monday, February 17th. We will reopen for business on Tuesday, February 18th. 

Seiko SLP 650 Direct Thermal Printer

Seiko SLP 650 Direct Thermal Printer Settings

1. Install labels into printer

  • Unpack printer and plug into power.
  • Load labels into printer. They go face down.
  • Press ^ on printer to feed a single label.
  • Note: if you cannot reliably feed a single label, eVisitor will probably not be able to.

2. Configure Windows  

  • Plug the USB cord into the computer and load the driver. As of Jan 2022, the driver is ver 7.1.1.
  • Set paper size: Printing preferences, Advanced, Page Size: “SLP-SRL Shipping (2.13×4.00)”
  • or “SLP-NR-NB Badge (2.13×2.75) for 3” badges.
  • Print Quality = Barcode and Graphics or Fine Mode.
  • Print a test page.
  • Note: If you can’t reliably print a Windows test page, eVisitor will probably not be able to print.

3. Configure eVisitor

  • Login to eVisitor.
  • Go to settings, devices, label printer and point to the “Smart Label Printer 650”.
  • Set Badge Print Res to “300”.
  • Select “Force Pre-processing”.
  • Test by printing several badges.

If you are NOT using eVisitor:

  • We recommend setting Halftoning to SuperCell to improve the photo quality.
  • Adjust Print Density as desired. 


SLP-650 Quick start guide          SLP-650 User’s guide

The Red Flag feature has been improved! Now you can set your system to not print a badge for any visitor record that has been previously marked with a Red Flag. The attendant will be prompted to redirect the visitor according to your security protocol.

Special New Feature: Red Flag, No Badge

Flag alertsIt’s easy and free to activate this feature. Simply call us and ask for “Red Flag, No Badge” to be turned on. Once it’s on, the above pop-up will come up when a red flagged visitor comes back. No badge will print and the attendant will need to follow the facility’s policy for handling red flagged visitors.

The flags and notes only show to the desk attendant, not the visitor. 

Please contact eVisitor Support with any questions on how to use Flags in your system. 

If you have seen a special offer in our advertising, mailings, or emails, this is the area to enter the Promo Code to receive that offer. After you’ve entered the Promo Code, click “Update cart” for the code to take effect. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-243-1969.